About Frank Loft
I would love to introduce myself as a racing pigeon fancier to the rest of the racing pigeon world.

My name is Mr. M. Franklin, M.C.A, M.Tech working as IT professional. I call my pigeon loft as Frank Loft (FL) and is located in Perungudi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. My interest with pigeons started from a very early age because of my mother’s sister who had many pigeons as pets. I started my pigeon fancier days with fancy pigeons when I was still a school boy.

My personal commitments due to higher studies and professional moves kept me from pigeons for more than a decade. My profession took me across the globe to work in various countries like USA, France, Germany, Dubai, Singapore and Australia over the 15 years. After returning from USA, I started to have pigeon pets at my home.

Initially I started with fancy pigeons. However, everything changed when I started exploring about racing pigeons back in 2011. I made my switch to racing pigeons and joined the club New Madras Racing Pigeons Association (NMRPA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

As a novice homer pigeon fancier, I started my collection with some racing homer pigeons from friends and other pigeon fanciers in Chennai. My initial years in the sport was not as fruitful as I hoped it would be. There were many disappointments not to mention the loss of racing pigeons as well. But it did not stop my motivation to do better in the future years. I realized that I had to have better pigeons to compete and win in this sport.

As I explored more about racing homers and gained more knowledge about the pedigree, I started focusing on collecting proven winners in the pigeon racing sport. I have in my collection several imported homer pigeons who are proven winners in the worldwide races. I have original imported homer pigeons of Jelle Jellema, Jan Aarden, Buwalda, Martha van Geel, Matrix, Janssen, Koopman, De Weerd and Cattrysse pedigrees. These birds are the breeders in my loft. In addition to these birds, I have also collected the race winner birds from the senior fanciers of leading pigeon fancier's clubs across India. 95% of my breeders are of unique pedigree and are winners in several category of races in short, middle and long distance.

Thanks to these racing homer pigeon birds, I have started my winning streak since 2016. In the past two years, my birds have come first in many categories of pigeon races and are proud owners of winning certificates.

My special thanks to the NMRPA club president Ln.Palaniappan for he is committed to improve the quality of the homer pigeon racing sports in Chennai.